Bale Press Machine
Bale Press Machine; Bale press machines, which are the most useful machines in the recycling sector, are divided into two groups. Vertical press machines and Horizontal press machines. Factories choose either vertical or horizontal bale press machines according to the size of their monthly solid waste processing volumes. Bale press machines are once again divided into different models according to their capacities and power. Compression forces can range from a few tons to hundreds of tons, depending on the hydraulics used. Their capacities can range from hundreds of kilos to tons, depending on the bale size desired to be formed. What kind of solid wastes are bale press machines used for?
What kind of solid wastes are bale press machines used for?
The unit called ram in the bale press machines is pushed by hydraulics and pushes the waste that you or the automatic band put into it, crushes it and turns it into a cube-shaped bale. Press machines can be used for almost any type of waste if your waste is not liquid. These wastes can be standard cardboard boxes, paper, printing waste, plastic bottles, plastic products, as well as all kinds of solid waste such as fiber, cotton, sacks, wool, waste. These wastes, which come in the form of cubes, are tied either with plastic binding or with steel ropes so that they do not lose their shape, depending on the type of material being pressed. After this binding, the bale presses are ready for every operation.
Bale Press Machine; The reason why the bale presses are made this way is to make the recycling sector more efficient. Waste, which is made much smaller than normal by hundreds of tons of printing, is the solution to the biggest problem of recycling areas. This problem is that hundreds and thousands of tons of waste coming to recycling areas are stacked and space is available. The wastes that come in the shape of a solid cube can be requested anywhere more easily, and they take up much less space thanks to their stackability. This leads to great savings both in the transportation of products and in the warehouses of the recycling areas. Because of these reasons, recycling areas have begun to pay more for pressed waste in the form of cubes than for normal waste.